
There is currently 000040 in total adding all players, all club backroom staff, all club officials, all match officials and all agents together on worldnationsoffootball.com covering the whole world of football.


You can find on this website information on players, club backroom staff, agents and match officials and you can also find past players who have made football what it is now or also not well known players who haven't made history but contributed to football locally from 1848 to 2025.


All information on players and former players includes Date Of Birth, Age, Height, Weight, Main Playing Position, Other Playing Position, Main Side Position, Other Side Position, Best Foot, Club Transfer Stats, International Stats and Relatives (If got any relatives within mens football).


All information on all soccer clubs and all their playing staff and backroom staff that has ever been at the club since been formed including clubs that have been founded, dissolved, merged and renamed.


All international squads from every international tournament including European Championships and World Cup.


All information on FIFA rankings each month as they come.